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Friday, December 9, 2011

Make Lemonade

The Lemonade Diet book states that lemons and limes are the richest source of minerals and vitamins of any food known to man. They are also available year round, in all parts of the world. maple syrup  is also very high in minerals and sugar, which helps to sustain the body through the cleansing process. cayenne pepper  helps to stimulate the body’s cleansing process, and also breaks up the mucus that is clogging the body.
The Master Cleanser book highlights the disastrous effects of eating meat on the body; eating flesh robs the body of the vital organic sodium compound (not to be confused with sea salt or table salt, organic sodium is ONLY available from food), which helps to buffer acids and poison. Once the body becomes deficient in organic sodium and other minerals, the body loses its natural PH balance and become weak.  At this point the body becomes susceptible to all kinds of diseases and infections. This is the primary cause of stomach ulcers, and almost all other diseases. The acid in the stomach needs organic minerals to create the mucous, which protects the precious stomach wall lining.

The Purpose of the Master Cleanse:

  • To dissolve and remove toxins and mucous from the body.
  • To clean the kidneys and digestive system.
  • To cleanse the glands and cells of the body.
  • To remove waste and hardened matter in the joints and muscles.
  • To relieve pressure  and irritation in the nerves, arteries and blood vessels.
  • To create a healthy blood stream.
  • To return youthfulness to everybody, even the elderly.

When to use the Master Cleanse:

  • When sickness has developed.
  • When the digestive system needs a clean.
  • When a person has become overweight.
  • When the body needs to be rebuilt and better assimilation of nutrients and food is needed.
How often should one do the Master Cleanse?
The Master Cleanse can be performed three or four times a year to keep the body in a normal healthy condition.  But the diet may be undertaken more frequently for serious problems.
How long does one do the cleanse for?
The diet should be followed for a minimum of 10 days or more. Up to 40 days and beyond, may be safely followed for extreme cases.

How to prepare the Master Cleanse

-Two tablespoons of fresh organic lemon or lime juice, (approximately half a lemon). Do not use bottled or canned lemon juice.
-Two tablespoons of genuine maple syrup .  Not Maple flavored sugar syrup.
-1/10  teaspoon of cayenne pepper  or to taste
-8 ounces of water (250ml), at room temperature
Combine all the above ingredients in a jar and shake together.  Drink the mixture.

It is recommended to drink 6 to 12 glasses of the Cayenne maple syrup  and lemon mixture per day.  

How much should I drink?

No other food or juice should be taken during the time of the Lemonade diet.
The lemonade mixture contains all the vitamins, minerals, nutrients and energy your body requires.  Do not take vitamin pills. Overweight people can use less maple syrup , and for people who are underweight they can use more.  Never vary the amount of lemon juice per glass.

Handprints for your heart

Hands are so useful, especially the opposable thumbs. He missed the ability to manipulate objects using his hands. It was a peculiar feeling to give a command, reach out to grab a book or a stuffed doll and miss the mark. He waited for attention, voicelessly, in his wheelchair. It wasn't electric since he lacked the coordination to operate any sort of control. He relied on the assistance of others to take him where they thought he wanted to go. Or, more correctly where they wanted him to be. Sometimes he felt like a sack of potatoes as he was wheeled around the school or in and out of medical appointments. He could see shapes but not enough to recognize the individual until they spoke. Luckily many people spoke to him directly, using his name so that he had an opportunity to a make a connection. If he was interested, and liked the person addressing him and the situation of contact, he made eye contact, and opened his soul. But more often than not, it was his biological mother or medical staff with needles and cold hands. They sounded nice but came with pain inducing tools. Then he shut down, looked away, or closed his eyes and feigned sleep. He could hear them, “Oh, I think he's asleep. Isn't he so cute when he's asleep.” He didn't care about being considered cute but he did want someone to read him books and sing to him. And he especially like to sing along as best he could. He couldn't form words so he tried to match the pitches he heard, sometimes with success.