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Friday, February 28, 2014

Acupressure Sessions at 39-41 Weeks Prenatal

For expectant mothers and couples, bodywork sessions should include acupressure somewhere in the 39-41 week time frame. During these sessions, the woman can come alone or accompanied by the birthing partner. When accompanied by the birthing partner, I will teach the couple how to apply acupressure to specific points when at home.

For clients using my doula services, these sessions will serve as a "dress rehearsal" for how we will work together as birth team. We will explore possibilities of what can happen during labor and delivery.

 I will also provide links to YouTube videos that demonstrate specific points that speed up uterine contractions, ensure correct positioning of the baby’s head, as well as points for muscle fatigue, and back labor.

To schedule an appointment, click here or text me at 612-205-4453.

Monday, February 24, 2014

February and March Facebook Drawing

This month and next, the drawing prize for 'liking' us on Facebook is a 1.5 ml bottle of Young Living's Rosemary Essential Oil. Rosemary oil has many different benefits and applications, but is best known for promoting mental clarity and alertness, supporting the liver, and for maintaining healthy skin and hair.

Keep up to date with our Facebook page this month for your chance to win!

Also, congratulations go to Lizzie B, winner of the January drawing for a jar of Young Living's BLM capsules, which promote healthy bones, ligaments and muscles. We appreciate your enthusiasm!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Foster Care in Minnesota

For those who did not see it, the Star Tribune recently published an article about the penalty fine Minnesota currently faces for failed foster care placements. Currently, 26% of young people in Minnesota foster care are returned to the system within one year after being re-united with their families. This clearly shows the tremendous need for systemic improvements, given that the federal benchmark for foster care re-entry is 9.9%.

As a guardian ad litem in Hennepin County for the last five years, I have been able to act as an advocate for many of the undeserving young people who get caught up in the child welfare system. I strongly encourage you all to read the aricle, as it sheds some much needed light on this often forgotten segment of the population, and the specific issues that Minnesota grapples with in handling these complicated cases.

Please also consider volunteering to be a guardian ad litem, or donating to Minnesota Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children (CASA MN). You can learn more about the importance of CASAs for children in foster care from this recent Boston Globe article.

Monday, February 17, 2014

CranioSacral Therapy for Dental Work and TMJ Dysfunction

Through gentle touch and manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy can be extremely beneficial in restoring balance and normalcy to cranial structures before and after dental work. During dental work the teeth, bones, tissues, and membranes of the cranium can become torqued, stressed, or imbalanced, which can then lead to pain or tension in the sinuses, jaw, and other areas of the head and face. CranioSacral Therapy is a safe and effective means of ensuring these structures are correctly positioned and remain so after the work has been done.

In the same way, CranioSacral Therapy can resolve negative symptoms for those who suffer from temporomandibular joint dysfunction by reducing compression and promoting normal movement of the jaw area.

To learn more about the structure and interactions of the cranial bones, check out this short YouTube video.