a certified doula, my services integrate craniosacral therapy,
acupressure, aromatherapy, soft tissue techniques, and positioning
suggestions. Prenatal bodywork helps to ease pregnancy complications
such as sciatica and lower back pain, hormone-related migraines and
tension headaches, nausea, morning sickness, fatigue, and emotional
concerns. As the due date approaches, acupressure at 39-41 weeks will
encourage correct positioning of the baby’s head, as well as induce and
enhance the efficacy of uterine contractions. Postpartum bodywork will
reduce fluid retention, ease anxiety and depression, promote more
restful sleep, accelerate recovery, and improve lactation.
will cover two one-hour prenatal sessions, one postpartum session, and
in-hospital services during labor. To inquire about doula services,
please text or call me (612-205-4453) or email me at