When the weather changes, as it has now, it is common for the change to resonate through our bodies. These seasonal shifts are an ideal time to schedule a bodywork session. The lymph system is flushed, and the soft tissues are warmed and stretched. Restricted areas which have become denser with warmer weather activities are released and range of motion increased.
During a mid October break from camping I watched the red maple in my backyard slowly change colors and drop it’s leaves. Mixed with the yellow leaves of my birch it was a dazzling display of those colors and their variations. I walked the trails at Lake Maria. Deeply covered with oak leaves it seemed wise to slow my usual brisker pace to avoid tripping on the hidden tree roots and uneven surface of the path.
I realized that I am looking forward to trying my snow shoes, but for that activity snow is necessary: not just a little snow but some serious amounts. It is the first year in many winters that I feel happy about the prospect of winter. This is another opportunity for me to move out of my comfort zone.
November brings two opportunities to celebrate “date night” with a massage for couples class. What a great idea for the dark nights ahead of us! For registration details check below. Although this is not a substitute for professional massage it is an effect means to de-stress and support your partner’s health. Being comfortable in your body is important to being present to the people around you: family, friends, co-workers, everyone who crosses your path.
As always, care for your body gently, lovingly, gratefully. As if one day it will be gone...