Last month’s trip to Split Rock Lighthouse State Park found me at backpack campsite #3 for 3 days of incredible blue skies. As I sat on the shore with a cup of jasmine tea, I noticed a delicate dragonfly flitting over the water from scrubby tree branches to massive rocks. It was only when I leaned back to catch sun on my face that I realized the sky directly above me was filled with masses of the creatures. As if at an agility competition, they circled and spiraled among the massive trees where the forest met the stones pushed up by Lake Superior every winter. As I watched their antics, a family of 7 loons swam across the little bay, just a few feet from my dogs sunning themselves at my feet. So much of our experience is shaped by perception, isn’t it? We can be crabby about the traffic (and road construction) or happy and grateful that the “check engine” light is off. We choose where we direct our attention.
At any moment we can turn our attitude around just like the sticky, hot baby, suffering in the humid Minnesota summer. Fill the pool with cool refreshing water, climb in and watch the smiles.
Schedule your next massage to follow a swimming session at or And sleep like a baby again.