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Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Awareness Day

Did you know that February 6th is International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation as sponsored by the United Nations Population Fund? It is important to be aware that FGM is illegal in Minnesota and in the United States at large, but continues to pose a health risk for an estimated hundreds of thousands of girls in the US each year. FGM can lead to many dangerous and even life-threatening consequences including severe pain, hemorrhaging, excess scar tissue, wound infection, recurrent urinary tract infections, painful menstruation, and cysts to name just some of the consequences. For women who have undergone FGM and become pregnant, surgery may be needed to allow for childbirth; FGM also poses an increased risk of complications for the mother and baby including infant death, prolonged labor from excess scar tissue, and postpartum hemorrhaging. The risk of re-traumatization and emotional stress during labor are also very likely. 
This issue is extremely important to me, because my daughter-in-law is Somali, and has close family members who have been forced to undergo this horrific practice. As such, I make it a priority to make a small standing donation each month to Ayaan Hirsi Ali's (pictured at right) AHA Foundation. Please check out her website to learn more, and make your own contribution. Additionally, Stop Violence Against Women provides comprehensive information about FGM. If anyone you know is at risk of forced FGM, please refer them to Women's Advocates' (588 Grand Avenue in St. Paul) 24-hour crisis line (651-227-8284) for help. For women who have undergone the procedure, Linnea Hadaway is one Minneapolis-based healer certified by the Barbara Brennan School of Healing who can facilitate the energetic healing process.