If you've been finding it more difficult to fall asleep lately, consider having a DIY spa night at home in order to coax yourself more readily into the arms of Morpheus. You can start by either soaking your feet in some warm water and Epsom salts, or soak your whole body by taking a hot bath with Epsom salts. Make the water as hot as you can stand and sit in the tub for at least 20 minutes, but ideally you would sit in the tub until the water becomes cool (please note: if you are pregnant, you should NOT make the water quite so hot). While soaking your feet or body, you can deep-condition your hair with a DIY hair mask, sip on some cucumber water or a smoothie, and listen to whale sounds or soothing music.
Once you're adequately soaked, it's time to exfoliate with a citrus-salt scrub! Make your own easy-peasy scrub with just half a citrus fruit (orange, lemon, grapefruit, or lime), and some salt (sea salt is great if you have it, but regular old table salt will do just fine). Simply pour the salt onto a plate. If you like, you can add some essential oils, spices, or herbs (I like to add freshly ground Herbes de Provence, or fresh Rosemary). This salt mixture is then soaked up with the flesh side of your half-a-citrus. It will make a kind of paste that can then be massaged into your skin in order to eliminate dead skin.
Then, don't forget to moisturize after you're done. Coconut oil or shea butter is best, as you want to avoid petroleum-containing lotions. If you do this process before bed, putting socks on your hands and feet will seal in the moisture, helping it to penetrate more deeply into your skin.
Finally, before you climb into bed, get on your foam roller in order to stretch out any tension stored in the body. Think of it as giving yourself a massage. Take your time with the foam roller, and allow yourself to relax as you foam roll your troubles away.