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Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Bodywork for Head Injuries

While we generally think of football as the sport that causes the most head injuries, did you know that cycling is actually the leading sport to cause head injuries? It's true, according to the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, 25% of sports-related head injuries are caused by cycling accidents. Then, football and baseball were tied at 14% each. What was the least common cause of sports-related head injuries you ask? Lucky for us in Minnesota this time of year, winter sports and fitness only account for 5% each. If anything, this research shows the urgency for always wearing a helmet when you bike. But, it also leads us to conclude that head injuries can occur from a variety of activities.
CranioSacral Therapy (CST), as discussed above, may also be a safe and effective way to promote healing for head injuries, as it decompresses the bones. Following an impact, the cranial bones can get jammed up against one another, as the cranial bones are not fused together, but rather consist of several movable parts that fit together. When jammed up after an impact, imbalances in the spinal fluid can result, which then lead to other complications and health concerns in the body, such as headaches, vision problems, depression, etc. CST gently releases the cranial bones, promoting a faster recovery, mitigating trauma, and bringing the body back into balance so you can get back into the game in a reasonable amount of time.

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