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Friday, January 15, 2016

Self Care in the New Year

As we ring in 2016, please do not forget the importance of self care. Of course, self care can mean different things for different people, but if massage fits in with your plan for self care, remember that regularly scheduled massage is best. Ideally, massages should be scheduled once a month. This also works out in your favor, as you get a discount when you schedule your sessions in bulk. Consider committing to a regular day every month, such as the third Thursday, or third Saturday, or whenever works best for you. You can then go online and schedule that day for the next six months. 

Regular massages will help bring your body back into balance. This is crucial, given that there are multiple macro-level stressors present at this time including terrorism, economic changes, global warming, etc. These stressors will affect your ability to sleep and relax, which is when your body can heal. Massage also reinforces the immune system and flushes excess chemicals out of the body, which will not only protect you from bacterial infections, but also from cancer, and other environmental toxins you may be exposed to.

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